Πληροφορίες μαθήματος
This course introduces the notion of information systems (I.S.) used in enterprises, links them with business analytics (B.A.) and analyses business processes (B.P.) as the fundamental element of modern enterprises and the management of their performance. It consists of four parts:
- Information Systems for Enterprises: Basic principles and functions of I.S. Presentation of IS categories and applications in enterprises. Strategic advantage and I.S. planning. Managing I.S and I.S resources in organizations.
- Business Analytics in Enterprise I.S.: Developing new insights and understanding of business performance through I.S. Achieving the basic types of analytics through I.S.: decisive, descriptive, predictive, prescriptive. Examples of B.A. systems for marketing, retail sales, supply-chain, financial services, telecommunications, e-commerce etc.
- Business Process Management: Types of B.P and their function in the enterprise. BP process modelling techniques. Application of IT tools for BP process modelling and management. Comprehension of BP architecture. Specification of requirements for new IS and infrastructure.
- Principles of BP Performance Management: Process performance metrics and practical case examples of enterprise and inter-organizational systems: ERP, CRM, MIS, e-commerce and e-government. Process management frameworks and the balanced scorecard approach.
- Διδάσκων: Giorgos Doukidis
- Διδάσκων: Angeliki Poulymenakou